2024-2025 MOVE STARS Team!
The MOVE STARS Team is a great way to be a part of the MOVE TEAM without the full commitment of the MOVE Competition Team. We are happy to provide this opportunity to kids who would like the performance experience.
There are two ways to be selected for the MOVE STARS Team:
MOVE Students will be preselected in any of our recreational classes in August 2024. Anyone selected will be required to attend a parent meeting. MOVE Students selected for the the MOVE STARS Team and accept the commitment, will start their Jazz/Conditioning class in September.
MOVE Students can fast track straight to the MOVE Stars Team if they sign up and finish MOVE Boot Camp. They are not required to sign up for MOVE Competition Company but will be evaluated during MOVE Boot Camp. If approved, they will receive a GOLDEN TICKET to start MOVE STARS classes in September.
The 2024-2025 MOVE STARS Team are required to take Jazz and Conditioning plus Hip Hop/Lyrical recreational class. This 2024-2025 season the MOVE STARS Team will:
Dance in the Hartsville Christmas parade
Perform at all end-of-year MOVE recital shows.
The MOVE STARS Team is a great stepping stone to moving into the full MOVE Company Competition Program.
The MOVE STARS Team is for ages 7 to 18 with at least 1 year prior dance experience. This team will be led by MOVE Company Competition Instructors.
To sign up, please visit our MOVE Parent Portal or send an email to at movedanceacademy@yahoo.com.